Calling All Prayer Warriors
“To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.”
– Billy Graham
Our Latest Prayer Intentions
SENT Global is a Christian based non-profit. Every board meeting begins and ends with prayer. Every big decision is discerned by our prophetic prayer team. We believe that your prayers matter and look forward to witnessing God’s response to your intercession!
We ask for prayers for the SENT Global team. We pray for protection and good health as we journey into new territories with Jesus.
Please offer prayers for our County Coordinators and Liaisons. Without their selfless work, the SENT Global mission would not be possible.
We sincerely pray that the Lord will generously provide for medical clinics in every country where SENT Global is called to serve.
We pray for peace in Mozambique, asking God to protect the vulnerable and guide our team safely as they work to establish a medical clinic.